The Role of IHE USA
IHE USA leverages the global success and stakeholder engagement of the 200+ organizational members of IHE International. Collectively these two organizations establish liaison relationships and shared activities within a wide range of health IT stakeholders to achieve the goals of the national health IT agenda. Additionally, IHE USA is responsible for promoting the appropriate use of IHE Technical Framework specifications within the US.
What is IHE?
This video from IHE Netherlands gives a brief but informative overview of what it is IHE does and why it's important.
Our Vision
Improving the quality, value, and safety of healthcare by enabling rapid, scalable, and secure access to health information at the point of care.
Our Mission
IHE USA improves our nation's healthcare by promoting the adoption and use of IHE and other world-class standards, tools, and services for interoperability. IHE USA engages all levels of public and private sector participants to test, implement, and use standards-based solutions for all health information needs.
IHE USA History
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