IHE Profiles for Health Information Exchange

1 year ago

IHE USA’s mission is to improve healthcare by promoting the adoption and use of IHE and other world-class standards, tools, and services for interoperability.

For those people who are either new to a given family of IHE profiles, or perhaps even new to the work of IHE, IHE International has published many presentations and online webinars for implementers of IHE profiles in the IHE Technical Frameworks. IHE resources are also available to implementers on IHE’s wiki pages, via our testing tools, and on GitHub. However, the information that EHR and health information system developers need to address health information exchange hasn't always been readily available in one comprehensive and easily-accessible resource.

To address this issue, the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC) commissioned the publication of "IHE Profiles for Health Information Exchange," by Keith Boone, Enterprise Architect at PointClickCare.  

“IHE Profiles for Health Information Exchange” acts as a comprehensive resource that aggregates the disparate IHE profiles and support tools and points developers directly towards the insights and materials that are relevant to their particular implementations. This book is arranged around the needs of specific software products that participate in a health information network so developers can focus their attention on the information they need, without getting lost in the details that everyone else who might use an IHE profile would also want.

It is intended as an interoperability resource to support developers of EHR, practice management, patient registration, master patient indexing, interfacing, patient portal, and information exchange products as they relate to IHE profiles that are commonly used in health information networks. The content is arranged around the needs of specific software products that participate in a health information network.

You can find the content at these shared links:

IHE Profiles for Health Information Exchange

MOBI format suitable for use on Kindle devices and a variety of eReaders.

EPUB format suitable for use with Apple Books (on iOS), and another set of eReaders.


PDF format for those that want to access it via their computer instead of via an eReader.

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