2017 Interoperability Standards Advisory Comments

6 years 8 months ago

On October 24, 2016, IHE USA submitted written comments to the Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) for Health Information Technology in response to the Draft 2017 Interoperability Standards Advisory (ISA) . There were six areas of focus included in the cover letter. IHE USA 1.) applauds standards for electronic health information created in the context of treatment; 2.) recommends ONC consider using stronger language to direct users to implement the standards identified in the ISA 3.) highlights the importance of Data Provenance as an Interoperability Need. 4.) recommends more efforts focusing on identifying standards for patient-generated health data; 5.) recommends ONC provide more clarification for implementers when an Interoperability Need lists more than one Standard or Implementation Guide; 6.) recommends aligning the standards included in the ISA with those listed in the 2015 ONC Certification rule. Read full document.   



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