IHE is on FHIR®

6 years 8 months ago

IHE International and HL7 are working in coordination to expedite the development and adoption of HL7 FHIR. Today, IHE has 18 IHE Profiles that leverage FHIR technology. An IHE Profile is equivalent to a FHIR implementation guide that takes a specific use case and defines Actors, Transactions, and Options to create a set of interoperability constraints which are defined for each Actor in that specific Profile. These constraints are coded as a FHIR resource and implemented to advance health IT. IHE has many ways to engage with innovative technologies that are immerging today’s health IT marketplace.

Participate in IHE and FHIR Activities Going on Now

For more detailed technical information about IHE on FHIR read John Moehrke’s blog as he discusses how IHE is creating Profiles that leverage FHIR specifications and provides quick links to each Profile. John Moehrke is a Standards Architect specializing in Interoperability, Security, and Privacy. He also serves as the co-chair to the IHE IT Infrastructure Planning and HL7’s Security Workgroup. 



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