IHE USA comments on Section V, questions 9-13 on Interoperability Standards Advisory

6 years 8 months ago

On May 31, 2016, IHE USA submitted comments on ONC’s Final 2017 Interoperability Standards Advisory (ISA), specifically Section V, Questions 9-13. Below are the comments IHE USA submitted to ONC. You can read the full comments online.

  1. IHE USA agrees that the creation of this subsection within Section I of the ISA is feasible and can leverage the IHE Newborn Discharge Summary (IHE NDS) to identify relevant datasets to include in the Interoperability Need.
  2. IHE USA encourages ONC to explore the value within other IHE profiles that can be leveraged for the creation of Interoperability Needs related to birth and newborn data.
  3. IHE USA finds it important to point out the challenges that may arise in the implementation of birth record standards.
  4. IHE USA recommends that the ISA provide information on compatibility issues between different releases of HL7 FHIR and STU 3 and DSTU 2.
  5. The ISA should provide a hyperlink to Test Tools available for any listed standards.
  6. IHE suggests listing the following test tool for HL7 FHIR standard listed as an Emerging Specification: https://www.hl7.org/fhir/validation.html
  7. IHE USA also suggests sharing the following publicly available HL7 FHIR servers for testing: http://wiki.hl7.org/index.php?title=Publicly_Available_FHIR_Servers_for_testing
  8. IHE USA would also like to recommend the creation of a separate Appendix within the ISA with a list of all test tools that are available and referenced throughout the document to better allow navigation through the various test tools available to implementers.
  9. IHE USA recommends that the following standards be added to the Interoperability Need that the aforementioned IHE profile is based upon: HL7® Version 2.5.1 Standard, HL7 CDA® R2 Standard
  10. IHE USA would like ONC to expand its description to provide clarity on the intended purpose of this Interoperability Need.
  11. IHE USA also suggests including the specifications listed in Subsection III-E: Patient Identification Management (“IHE-PDQ (Patient Demographic Query)” and “IHE-PIX (Patient Identifier Cross-Reference)”) within Section II’s Interoperability Need.
  12. IHE USA suggests ONC work with each standard body to identify the best/preferred tool(s) to test interoperability needs listed in ISA.
  13. IHE USA recommends that Interoperability Need “Reporting Birth Defects to Public Health Agencies” in Subsection II-R be rephrased and expanded to “Reporting Newborn Birth, Health and Death to Public Health Agencies”.



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