Update on 2022 IHE North American Connectathon & Upcoming Digital Series

2 years 9 months ago

IHE USA in 2022: The Path to Production 

IHE’s unique combination of testing, demonstration, consensus building, and education is recognized the world over as the standard for global standards adoption.

For over a decade, IHE USA has brought together interoperability champions from around the country and across the globe together at the IHE North American Connectathons. From Chicago to Cleveland to the Cloud, our goal has remained the same:  advance the deployment of standards-based health IT by convening key stakeholders to solve interoperability problems practically in a safe, stable, and structured environment.

To ensure a successful, healthful, and safe new year for the entire IHE Connectathon community, IHE USA will be hosting its in-person North American Connectathon in the late summer/early fall of 2022, with an announcement of date and location announced in early Spring. 

In 2022, IHE USA will also launch a series of bi-monthly 2-day digital health standards events focused on supporting the growing ecosystem of implementers looking to leverage health IT standards to design interoperable solutions.  This year-long series of workshops is designed to help interoperability champions navigate the health IT interoperability landscape move their solutions and best practices from concept to adoption.

Along the Path to Production, you will learn:

  • How to Navigate the Health IT Standards Ecosystem
  • Deploying Digital Health Solutions
  • The Value of Interoperability Standards and Testing

Industry leaders and health IT community members focused on deploying interoperability to improve health outcomes will guide participants along the way, including IHE USA’s collaborative partners:


We are glad to assist you. Please contact IHE USA at Connectathon@ihe.net to stay connected with the latest IHE news and updates. 

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